Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The TV News

 I don't know about you, but I'm sick of watching news about Covid.

I've seen the same segment about the virus on "NBC News Now" that I've been watching over and over for the past two weeks. Is it still news? Is it still now?

Another one is George Floyd's killer, officer Derek Chauvin. I don't know what poor Mr. Floyd did, but having a cop kneel on your neck for nine minutes seems a tad harsh no matter what. Stealing a car while drunk and on drugs? That's a nine minute offense.

I wonder if Officer Chauvin stopped because his back was starting to ache a bit...

"Is he dead yet?" asked Chauvin. "I'm not sure. Better kneel on hime some more."

"Damnit," said Chauvin.

NYC's Naked Cowboy was arrested in Florida for aggressive panhandling. I suppose that must be a law there. If you don't know, he's not really naked. He's a buff young guy who parades around in his BVDs and cowboy hat while carrying a guitar. That is not against the law as long as you don't get rough asking for change.

"Give me your quarters or the hat comes off!"

It's a good thing Officer Chauvin didn't see him.

 I find it just wrong that there is an ad on TV for Lasik surgery, and the disclaimers is at the bottom of the screen in small disclaimer type. There should be a font called "disclaimer".

"There's a fly settin' on the TV, Martha."

"No, that's the disclaimer."

A fella on Facebook posted that his cockatoo ate some foam and had to be rushed to an emergency room two hours away. It took all I had to not post the reply "Why? He's probably on his way out and stuffing himself." Good bird.

On the bright side, Congress wants to give us even more stipend money. In the olden days, it was called mad money. Get an unexpected windfall and go crazy. My free dough will go to pay for the Home's double billing that overdrew my checking account by $1,200. The rest is mine to keep as long as the Home doesn't find out about it.
I get more news from Facebook. You can get your news, the news that matters, right here.

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