Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Crooked Supreme Court Justices

 It's time to put time limits on Supreme Court justices.

First it was Clarence Thomas taking special favors. Now it's been revealed that so has Samuel Alito. Let's call them what they are. Bribes. Both justices have ruled on cases brought before them by their special friends.

To remove a justice requires impeachment by the House and conviction by the Senate. We all know that a Republican controlled House will never consider impeaching a Republican justice, let alone voting to to do so.

Consider current Republican news. They will condemn Hunter Biden for cheating on his taxes, yet make excuses for a president who advocated the insurrection of January 6th and who stole our nation's most protected secrets and whisked them to Mar a Lago.

Today's class of Republicans are not only hypocritical but are crooks. How they openly rape and pillage this country and flaunt its laws is shocking. Yet half of this country continues to vote for them.

Vote Democrat, vote independent, vote anything but Republican. For any office, even local. Anyone with an R before their name on a ballot is guilty by association.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Hunter Biden


Grab the pitchforks! Bring the torches! Hunter Biden is pleading guilty!

We all know Hunter is a screw-up. Hunter himself wrote about his troubled days in a memoir, detailing his problems with cocaine.

Fox, of course, is reporting this with glee. "He failed to pay taxes!" they cry. The truth of the matter is that Hunter paid his taxes LATE in 2017 and 2018. But he paid them. Misdemeanor. He pled guilty.

He admitted, in his memoir, to being addicted to cocaine. During that time, he also owned a legal firearm. But the fact that he admitted to being a cocaine user automatically made owning the gun illegal. Misdemeanor. He pled guilty.

How many of you have fudged your income taxes? How many of you who own firearms are addicted to alcohol?

How many of you have kids who grew up to be a screw-up?

Yes, Joe Biden's son is a screw-up. Yes, he pled guilty to misdemeanor charges, as he should have. No, he is not being treated differently than everyone else. Hunter is getting what he deserves, paying his debt to society.

None of which is connected to Joe Biden.

Use some common sense, folks. And consider the source.

I wish Hunter well in his recovery and on his way to being a responsible adult.

Friday, June 16, 2023


I read my friend's blog, David Guilbeaut's blog "The Well Said" this morning. He writes about Sean Hannity's interview with California Governor Gavin Newsom. In the introduction to the show, Hannity said a condition was that he would not interrupt the governor. Of course, that didn't happen.

To twist comedian Ron White's gag a bit, "He had the right to remain silent. He did not have the ability."

Hannity's style is to ask a skewed question, and when the interviewee responds, cuts him off to interject his own conservative viewpoint on his own conservative question. It is very tiring.

I watched it, as painful as it was, to get a sense of Newsom's views. It was difficult to do with Hannity constantly talking over Newsom, or attempting to. The governor gave it right back. Hannity wouldn't stop and is, in my opinion, the absolute worst interviewer in the history of television.

From Quora Hannity "is very good at talking while listening... at the same time. Not many people can do that, but he’s really good at it. Most of the time when he says something that sounds intelligent it’s either being fed to him or he’s reading from the prompter."

Again from Quora "He doesn’t come across as very smart."

Hannity has no solid education. He attended college but did not graduate. His college experience was a smattering of courses taken at three colleges. His lack of education shows. He lacks critical thinking skills and certainly has no debating skills.

Still, Fox News pays him $25 million a year.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Wannabe Dictator


Yes, that was a banner on Fox News last night. That, and things like that, is why anyone who watches Fox is stupid, unless you watch it just for your amusement.

Trump is the guy who admires dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un and who wondered if he could serve more than two terms. Trump is a wannabe dictator.

The right seems to be skilled (or unskilled depending on your point of view) of doing something immoral or illegal and then blaming the Democrats of doing exactly that. It is a form of deflection.

You see it often in comedies. I saw a movie not long ago where a guy runs into another guy's car, then jumps out and yells "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!"

It is exactly what the right does, only in these times it isn't funny.  Too many stupid people.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


 The GOP is playing whatabout. What about Hillary's emails? What about Biden's garage? What about Clinton's sock drawer?

That is their defense. Whataboutism.

Hillary had 33,000 emails on her server, which she gave to the FBI on request. After reviewing them all, three were classified. Two were marked as classified and were not. One was classified but was not marked as such.

Biden returned any and all classified documents found in his office or, supposedly, his garage, on request. He allowed the FBI to search.

Bill had taped conversations in his oval office with his biographer. He kept those tapes, presumably in case what was printed was not what was said. The White House archivist asked for their return as the property of the White House. Bill complied.

Then we have Trump. He had a major tantrum when he lost in 2020. Major. When he left, he took untold boxes of classified documents. When the White House archivist asked for their return, he refused. The FBI asked for them repeatedly and he refused. The FBI eventually raided Mar a Lago and seized them. Trump has charges filed against him.

Whataboutism is not a good defense here.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Trump and the Presidential Order Act

 Let me add one more thing to this whole Trump and his possession of top secret documents fiasco.

Trump claims that he can declassify a top secret document just by thinking about it. OK. Let's say that Trump thought about declassifying our nation's most secret documents, and ~poof~ they're all declassified. They are now no longer secret. Not our nuclear capabilities. Not the locations of our nuke submarines. None of it. What Trump thinks is more important. Got it.

That doesn't change a thing. Nothing. They are NOT HIS DOCUMENTS. All records and other documents belong to the American public. All of them. Classified or not, it doesn't matter. Regardless of what they are, the Presidential Records Act is very clear who they belong to.

"The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records". Ownership. Possession. And control. Not Trump. The United States. Specifically, the Archivist.

"The Archivist shall deposit all such Presidential records in a Presidential archival depository or another archival facility operated by the United States."

This is all pretty cut and dried, folks. There is no legalize. No gobbledy-gook. No double speak. It is so plain that even the Donald can understand it.

As to why they were stored in Mar-a-Lago in hallways, basements, and bathrooms is anyone's guess. If he sold any information to our enemies, we do not know.

All of your MAGA people were well warned, years in advance. That you chose to support this guy is all on you. That many of you continue to support this guy to this day is totally baffling to me.

Nixon famously said "I am not a crook". Trump is saying the same thing.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Trump and the Nation's Secrets

I'm watching the news on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Which, to be honest, is like all the other days in the week. Anyhow... regarding Trump and his possession of top secret national security documents... Trump claims this is a witch hunt, and Biden is targeting him because he is a political opponent. Even Trump's Republican opponents for the presidency claim it is so.

Let's say, OK, that's true. Joe Biden targeted Trump on purpose. It was all politics. Spot on. Great observation Mr. Trump. You caught him.

So what?

There is no one disputing the fact that Trump had these documents. Boxes and boxes of them, many containing the most sensitive of national secrets, such as plans to invade Iran, and our nuclear capabilities. No one is saying that is not true.

When asked why he has them, Trump replies "It's a witch hunt!" and dodges the simple question. Trump has never said why he possesses information that, should it get in the wrong hands, would be extremely dangerous to our country. Only that he is being targeted.

The FBI says he also possessed them illegally. A grand jury of American citizens believes that he may have as well. Trump says he has not and points to the Presidential Records Act of 1978.

Let's say Trump is right. As a former president, he can have information in his possession that could destroy the United States. No laws broken. That brings us to why. Why does Trump feel a need to own this information?

There is one, and only one, answer. Having that information is valuable to Trump. He looks at them as an asset. A business asset. Certainly, they have no sentimental value. They are goods that have value to certain customers. They are worth money.

We all know that Trump has no morals. From cheating on his wives, to cheating his business associates, to lying to banks, to stealing from students of his phony university, to stealing from his fraudulent Trump Foundation. Trump finds value and capitalizes on it.

Witch hunt or not. Presidential Records Act not withstanding. There is one, and only one, reason that Trump had those documents. To sell. He stole them from the White House. When it was learned that he had them, he refused to surrender them to the FBI. He did everything he could to obstruct justice.

Trump is a businessman, his MAGA followers say. Yes, he most definitely is.

Sunday, June 4, 2023


 We Wordle athletes have all been there. On the sixth guess, the last four letters in the right place. We look at our remaining letters. Q and no U so that's out. Zs and Xs are rarely used. The other letters made no sense, except two.

A sweat breaks out on our brow as we stare at the Wordle puzzle. Our hands shake as we take another sip of coffee. We close our eyes in prayer to Jigsah, the Greek God of Puzzles, for guidance. We ponder, calculating odds, trying to guess how many times each fitting letter was used. We consider whether we now truly understand the Wordle editor and how evil he is. This is a job for Batman, we think. Perhaps Wordle should give clues like Jeopardy.

I walk out of my room to the dining room for another cup of coffee, snapping at anyone who looks my way. I return in silence. No other residents speak to me, understanding that I am in my Wordle zone.

As I sit and stare at my screen, I envision one of the two letters leaping off my computer screen at me. Perhaps blinking "pick me, pick me". I stare for endless minutes. Sweat now trickles off the end of my nose and hits my keyboard. Onto one of the two letters. A sign! Does the drop of sweat mean that letter is the one? Or is not the one? How do I know. I don't speak qwerty. It must be a sign to pick that letter. What else could it be. That MUST BE THE LETTER. With a shaky index finger I hover over the letter. Be a man, I tell myself. Push it.

Wordle 715 X/6







Saturday, June 3, 2023

Talk English

Today it was reported that the US economy added an amazing 339,000 new jobs last month. Unemployment is at a historic low 3.7%. Employers pay record high wages, causing high inflation, in an effort to attract job applicants.

In other news, hundreds of thousands of folks are lining up at our borders. They want to come here and take good American jobs.

If only we could admit them and hire them. But we hate those people. Brown skin, Spanish accent most of 'em. Drug dealers too, I've heard, traveling in gangs disguised at families with children. The ones who will work are taking American jobs. Not many of them, since they'll all be on welfare and selling fentanyl. If they want to come here, they should learn the language. English. Well, it used to be Spanish but we took this land fair and square like we always do. In a war. And now we make 'em talk English.

That's whut I'd do.