Monday, July 3, 2023

The Fascist Court

 If affirmative action in college admissions is unconstitutional and all applicants be judged solely on merit, then make the applications anonymous. Remove the names and addresses from the application and replace it with a number. Omit any reference to legacy. Delete references. Blackout the names of schools attended.

Make a college application truly merit based and I'm good with it.

So far as the case of a web site being considered free speech and protected by the first amendment, we all know that's totally bogus (besides the fact that the incident never happened). If a website is freedom of expression, anything built by man is the same. Ford could decide to not sell pickup trucks to Republicans because F-150s are a work of art.

This Supreme Court is legislating from the bench. The justices also believe they are above the law themselves by taking expensive vacations paid for by the wealthy whose cases come before them. Every public servant understands that is a conflict of interest and forbidden. Notice who is guilty of such practices. The fascist ones.

I'm sure you've noticed, and perhaps taken aback, by my use of the word fascist.

Fascism - a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

It fits both Trump and DeSantis perfectly, doesn't it? Trump admires communist leaders such as Putin, Kim Jung Un, and Xi Jinpin. DeSantis is taking the Hitler approach of banning books and declaring that liberalism must be eliminated. They're fascists, plain and simple.

The only sane Republican running for 2024 is Chris Christie. While I disagree with his politics, I like the fact that he's not a fascist. His campaign isn't centered around hate and division. I hope Republicans take a closer look at him as a candidate.

Someday soon, we should consider an alternative parliament form of government. The US's government is bicameral, meaning it has a lower and upper house. It is divided by definition. A unicameral parliament would be similar to our House of Representatives. Instead of electing a president, the Parliament elects a prime minister.

Fun stuff to think about, as we witness the wheels falling off our government designed almost 250 years ago by wealthy white men.

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