Friday, July 21, 2023

American Racism

Have you folks read the news about Florida's state board of education? They "passed new legislation under Gov. Ron DeSantis that bars instruction in schools that suggests anyone is privileged or oppressed based on their race or skin color."

Erasing America's racist past and not acknowledging our racist present does not make it go away. Racism is the bedrock the United States was built on because of our white European ancestors. Taking it out of history books does not make it vanish.

The two most egregious examples, of course, are slavery and the genocide of Native Americans. I believe the old adage that if we don't learn from our history we are doomed to repeat it.

Ron DeSantis is precisely what is wrong with today's Republican Party. That his approval rating is 38% is horrifying.

BTW, Trump's and Biden's approval ratings are 42%. Remember that when Fox tells you how awful Biden's is.

For my few remaining Republican friends - you have to do better than a fraud like Trump and a fascist like DeSantis. I usually don't agree with Chris Christie, but at least he's sane. Take a close look at him before casting your primary ballot. Please.

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