Friday, April 21, 2023

Life is a Rerun

When you achieve elderly status, you realize that life is a rerun. I've seen all this before.

This modern right wing MAGA movement is certainly nothing new. It is the old John Birch Society.

The John Birch Society, for you young 'uns, is an ultra-conservative organization formed in 1958 founded on the idea that communists were intent on taking over the world and had infiltrated America everywhere, particularly in the arts and politics. Communists were America's enemy and must be wiped out of American life and off the face of the earth.

The Birchers organized and believed the USA should a fascist state based on their conservative values. Right wing think tanks proliferated. One, the PNAC or Project for a New American Century, called for American world domination. The PNAC's signatories included Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and many others.

At the time, the world ran on oil. The PNAC designed the war in Iraq in the late 1990s and presented a letter to Bill Clinton calling for the invasion of Iraq to safeguard America's oil. That didn't happen, so they orchestrated the election of George W Bush. PNAC founders became members of his administration. They had the presidency, they had the war, now they only needed the excuse. Then September 11th happened.

Today, we have the MAGA movement instead of the John Birch Society. Instead of communists, they call the enemy "woke liberals".

If you turn on Fox News, you will not see journalism. You will see hate. You will see brainwashing. You will see bigotry. You will see Birchers.

Life is just a rerun.


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