Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Grocery Shoppin' Online

I hate to shop. Especially grocery stores, where I don't know what half the food is or does, and the half I do recognize comes in 13 brands, 7 sizes, and 152 flavors not counting diet and gluten free. 
So it was a great relief when I discovered online grocery shopping a while ago. I use instacart. The only downside, for me, is that I don't understand sizes.  On my laptop, the little itty bitty pictures of a box of Cheerios looks the same whether it's the 6 ounce size or the 60 pound size. So I buy the big one.

But now, confronted not only with the coronavirus pandemic but with all future pandemics (and there will be more because Trump is president and nature abhors a vacuum) I can't help but wonder if one day supermarkets will be a relic of the past. They could be easily replaced with convenience stores for snatch and grab items, and online shopping from warehouses for groceries. 
No? Still need to squeeze the Charmin (saying there's any on the shelf)? For proof that this will be the future, I give you Amazon.
Amazon would be putting Walmart out of business, except Walmart sees it coming and sells online now as well. You can buy the latest LED TV with QLED 4K HDR and a bunch of bananas all at the same time, without leaving your recliner.
Anyone need any Cheerios? I can share.

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