Saturday, June 3, 2023

Talk English

Today it was reported that the US economy added an amazing 339,000 new jobs last month. Unemployment is at a historic low 3.7%. Employers pay record high wages, causing high inflation, in an effort to attract job applicants.

In other news, hundreds of thousands of folks are lining up at our borders. They want to come here and take good American jobs.

If only we could admit them and hire them. But we hate those people. Brown skin, Spanish accent most of 'em. Drug dealers too, I've heard, traveling in gangs disguised at families with children. The ones who will work are taking American jobs. Not many of them, since they'll all be on welfare and selling fentanyl. If they want to come here, they should learn the language. English. Well, it used to be Spanish but we took this land fair and square like we always do. In a war. And now we make 'em talk English.

That's whut I'd do.

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